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Now downloading free:Agilent Simulation and Measurement-based X-parameter Models for Power Amplifiers with Envelope Tracking 5991

Agilent Simulation and Measurement-based X-parameter Models for Power Amplifiers with Envelope Tracking 5991 free download

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File name:Simulation and Measurement-based X-parameter Models for Power Amplifiers with Envelope Tracking 5991
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File name Simulation and Measurement-based X-parameter Models for Power Amplifiers with Envelope Tracking 5991

Keysight Technologies Simulation and Measurement-based X-parameter Models for Power Amplifiers with Envelope Tracking White Paper This information is subject to change without notice. Published in USA, August 3, 2014 5991-2733EN Simulation and Measurement-based X-parameter Models for Power Amplifiers with Envelope Tracking Haedong Jang1, Andrew Zai2, Tibault Reveyrand3, Patrick Roblin1, Zoya Popovic2, and David E. Root4 1The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 2 University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 3 XLIM-UMR CNRS, Limoges Cedex, France 4Keysight Technologies, Inc., Santa Rosa, CA Abstract --Static X-parameter (XP) models for RF power amplifiers (PAs), derived from both simulations and nonlinear Envelope Envelope Envelope Detection Shaping Tracker vector network analyzer (NVNA) measurements, are investigated for the prediction of PA performance under dynamic signal conditions such as in envelope tracking (ET). The instantaneous I2 + Q 2 AM-AM, AM-PM and PAE predictions of XP models extracted from simulation are compared under ET dynamic signal I Q conditions to two types of circuit models using envelope 3 I simulation. An XP PA model is extracted for a peak 8W GaN 1 2 A RF class-F-1 ET PA from NVNA measurements with automated bias Delay Driver RF PA

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